5.5  Legal Notices

“Firefox” is a registered trademark of Mozilla Foundation Corp. California.

“Google” and “Chrome” are registered trademark of Google Inc.

“iCab” is a trademark of Alexander Clauss of Darmstadt, Germany.

“Mac”, “Macintosh”, “macOS”, “AppleScript” and “Automator” are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

“OmniWeb” is a registered trademark of Omni Development Inc.

“Opera” is a registered trademark of Opera Software AS Corp. Norway.

“Vivaldi” is a registered trademark of Vivaldi Technologies.

“Epic” may be a registered trademark of Hidden Reflex, Inc.

“Pinboard” is a trademark of Nine Fives Software, California, USA.

“URL Manager Pro” is a trademark of Alco Blom or Alco Blom Software.

“Webnote” and “Webnote Happy” are a trademark of Happy Apps, Falls Church, VA, USA.