Advanced iOS/Objective-C/Swift Meetup, Sunnyvale CA, 2014 Sep 09

Follow-up resources regarding my talk to the Advanced iOS/Objective-C/Swift Meetup at Sandbox Suites in Sunnyvale, California, the evening of 2014 Sep 09.   Thank to all who attended!

Jerry Krinock

The project I showed to demonstrate Core Data Concurrency.

The High Level View

Brent Simmons’ 2010 blog post 
On Switching Away from Core Data

Tim Roadley's Ten Mistakes People Make with Core Data

From Apple

Apple's Core Data Programming Guide  

Apple's Technical Q&A 1809 on Write-Ahead Lookup Journaling, added in OS X 10.9 and iOS 7, which causes Core Data persistent store files to be three files instead of one, and how to work around it or revert to the old behavior.

Transcript of WWDC 2014 Session 225, What’s New in Core Data  Reading a searchable transcript on a technical topic is so much more efficient than watching a video!  Even if someone gives you a time marker in the video.  However, you might want to watch the video too.  It looks like there was only this one Core Data Session this year.

Open-Source Tools and Libraries

Matthew Morey’s 
Top 10 List of Core Data Tools and Libraries.  Number 2 in the list, mogenerator, contains some instructions for using mogenerator.

Wolf Rentzsch’ 
mogenerator, a tool for generting Core Data model classes.  Version 1.27, the current built binary download, does not support Swift, but supposedly the current trunk does and presumably 1.28 should.

John Blanco’s blog post on using mogenerator

BSManagedDocument, an open-source replacement for NSPersistentDocument on OS X.

GCUndoManager,  an open-source replacement for NSUndoManager on OS X.

Concurrency (Multiple Managed Object Contexts in Multiple Threads)

Aaron Douglas’
Advanced Core Data presentation at 360|iDev  in Denver, Summer 2014.  There is a video. and demo Xcode project written in Swift.  The 3-level managed object context hierarchy idea I used in my YaBT Core Data demo project was taken from this talk, except I named the contexts differently and, I think, more consistently.

Matthew Moreys 2013 slide presentation on Core Data with Multiple Managed Object Contexts.

Well-answered Stack Overflow Question on NSManagedObjectContext methods -performBlock: and -performBlockAndWait:

Jeffrey Early’s Note on Core Data Concurrency, Aug 2014

Multiple Persistent Stores

Richard Turtons 2013 blog post on Multiple Persistent Stores in Core Data


Jay Versluis's March 24, 2014 blog post, How to use iCloud with Core Data