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Normal Topic Closing Dialog Window (Read 8218 times)
Jerry Krinock
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Re: Closing Dialog Window
Reply #1 - Nov 17th, 2009 at 3:43am
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That dialog is built into Apple's Cocoa frameworks which BookMacster and most all apps are built on nowadays, and it is not one of my favorites.  Usually I have about 30 apps running on my little Mac Mini, and although I try to be fairly religious about hitting ⌘S before switching windows, inevitably either I forget a few, or I accidentally hit a key and changed a document in some app.  So, then when I go to shut down, usually once every couple weeks, I get a few of these stupid dialogs popping up, and I sit there and scratch my head and wonder "Now did I make a change that I want to keep in this document, or was this an accidental key strike??"

With many apps, I can find out by looking in the Edit menu at the Undo item.  Whatever I did should be stated there, although it often doesn't tell you much.  Example "Undo Typing".  Duh.  For more info, I can hit the Undo and see what happens.  If it was something I want to keep, then I hit Redo and Save.  It's not a very pleasant experience, but it's acceptable.  Tip: You may need to click Undo more than once.  When you've undone back to the point of the last document save, the so-called dirty dot, the black dot in the red close window in the title bar, will disappear.

Now, that being said, F451 and his spouse have a good point here because in BookMacster, you can change both bookmarks content and settings, and these are in different tab/views, and since we have not yet programmed all the Undo actions, many times the Undo menu item will simply say "Undo".  Then when you click it, something happens in a view that is not currently being displayed, so you have no idea what you did.

So, it's another issue entered into our bug tracker.

Jerry Krinock
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Closing Dialog Window
Nov 16th, 2009 at 2:58am
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The following dialog window pops up when closing BookMacster and after having performed some agent action. My concern is that new users will view this has BookMacster having made changes (e.g. actually deleted a bookmark) although a user may have only viewed something within BookMacster.

When you go to review the changes nothing appears other than the Save dialog window. I solicited my wife's reaction to the dialog and she asked what the actual changes were? What do others think? Thanks.
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