I think this is a very cool application with the potential to get a lot of attention once it goes public. From my perspective there are two fundamental issues with the app: the first is its functional complexity. Even for the technically sophisticated, getting traction with it is a challenge. For many Mac users, they’re going to flounder, get frustrated and bail. On this issue I've seen a number of posts in the forum and it appears to be a recognized issue so I'll move on to the second fundamental issue I see with the app.
That is the user interface. To me, it has a very unMac-like feel to it and I find the UI doesn’t do what I want a UI to do, make it easier and more intuitive for me to use the app.
As an example, there’s no toolbar, but there are the 3 ‘tabs’ up top (content/settings/reports) and then the information icon is almost hidden deep down in the far right bottom corner of the app. That’s a peculiar place to put it and not where my eye is trained to go from using most apps. The lack of a tool bar also leads to a very monochromatic appearance. And while we can change the font size, it does not appear we can change the font itself.
I realize it’s late in the game and the last thing you’ll probably be interested in doing is updating the UI but I thought I'd throw these comments/suggestions out there. I know some people who probably won’t use this app just because they don’t like the UI setup. Here’s what I'd love to see changed:
delete the 3 tabs up top and turn them into toolbar buttons.
Add the Information icon to the toolbar, where Mac apps normally place it.
take the ‘add new’ drop down field and turn it into the ‘gear’ icon apps normally use for this kind of functionality. Also add toolbar buttons for the commands represented in that drop down field.
Make the search field more robust, allow searching for tags, at least.
Allow changing the font type and color.
Allow changing the background color.
Restructure where the x/any/all buttons are displayed in relation to both the search field and the tag display so that it’s more obvious they control both.
Not a huge fan of the way the tags are displayed above the bookmarks, laying out horizontally. Would have to play with how I'd like to see that, but I think I'd almost prefer a collapsible pane to the right where I could choose to display or suppress the tag cloud, then would display them vertically and possibly give an option to display them in conventional tag cloud format where the size of the tag in the cloud varies depending on how many entries it has.
Then on the left of the screen, both above and below the data display are two little buttons side by side that modify the way data is displayed. First, it’s an odd place to put them. Second, I'm not sure from the icons what the buttons do. Third, hovering over them doesn’t tell me what they do. There should be a View command in the menu selections providing these options, and the pop up message should tell me what clicking on it will do, not what it won’t do (it won’t change my data).
That’s it. I guess in summary, love the functionality but the UI has a feel that is decidedly not mac-like, and that detracts from the functional experience. I think the UI could be made both more functional and straightforward, and more aesthetically pleasing.
Thanks so much for putting together a strong app and being such a responsive developer. I’ve recommended Bookmacster on several forums, trying to help get the word out.