I looked at the example script that they have for Evernote, and combined it with our NetNewsWire-to-BookMacster script. The idea is pretty simple. Write a script which gets a title, URL and some additional text from PopClip, and creates a new bookmark in BookMacster with these three values as the bookmarks's Name, URL, and Comments, respectively. Something like this should work…
set aName to "{popclip browser title}"
set aUrl to "{popclip browser url}"
set aComment to "{popclip text}"
tell application "BookMacster"
land new bookmark name aName url aUrl comments aComment
end tellApparently, this script is run in some kind of environment which assigns the name, URL and some other text to those "{popclip whatever}" thingeys. I don't know how those work. I blindly copied the doublequotes and curly brackets from PopClip's EverNote script. My script assigns these to the variables aName, aURL, and aComment, then, finally assigns them to a newly-landed bookmark in BookMacster.
Writing the code as I have done above is probably easier than what I am leaving to you, which is to figure where to put that code and how to "install" it into PopClip
Then, there's testing and fixing.