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Hot Topic (More than 5 Replies) BookMacster won't open (Read 11609 times)
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Re: BookMacster won't open
Reply #6 - May 23rd, 2015 at 2:19am
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You're welcome, Jerry, and yes, I'm edge case for sure!  Cheesy
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Jerry Krinock
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Re: BookMacster won't open
Reply #5 - May 20th, 2015 at 4:57am
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Thank you for the follow-up, Steve.  I just confirmed what you said, that if less than 1 or more than 1 Bookmarkshelf documents are open when BookMacster is in the background and you hit the keyboard shortcut for Add & Inspect, the dialog window popup asking which bookshelf you want to bookmark does not appear as expected.  You have a quite special usage style there, and this is apparently an "edge case" which has never been tested.

I'm not sure we can fix it, because making apps emerge from the background and rescind back into the background has always required some Rube Goldberg tricks to work around bugs in OS X.  But we'll give it a shot and post the conclusion in this thread.

Jerry Krinock
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Re: BookMacster won't open
Reply #4 - May 19th, 2015 at 1:33pm
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Hello Jerry,

Sorry for the slow response. Things get busy here and this doesn't make it to the top of the to-do-list.

Yes, you are correct that I did forget the shortcut for the Floating Menu, but I certainly knew the shortcut for "Add & Inspect".  Apparently the dialog window popup asking which bookshelf you want to bookmark to does not appear when BookMacster is hidden. 

It appears that I should get the same dialog window popup when using the BookMacster button in Chrome, but this also does not work when BookMacster is hidden. (Nothing happens actually when pressing the button when BookMacster is hidden.)

I'm pretty sure I fall into the 1% who want BookMacster running in the background.  I have setup 1 bookshelf that syncs my browsers, and 6 others that let me bookmark to different Pinboard accounts. 

I would prefer to have BookMacster run in the background so there is less clutter on my desktops.  I tried leaving it running and assigning it to one of my 16 Mac Desktops, but then when I try to "Add & Inspect" with the shortcut, I'm forced over to that assigned desktop.

Ideally, I just want to use the shortcut or browser button when I'm on site to bookmark, have the choice of which bookshelf I want to save the bookmark to, and then fill out the Inspect window and close it without having a bunch of other windows popup or being pulled away from the article I want to bookmark.

Hope that all makes sense and thanks again for your help!

P.S.  This program though is really great though for what I need to do, even if it isn't my ideal.
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Jerry Krinock
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Re: BookMacster won't open
Reply #3 - May 5th, 2015 at 1:35pm
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Hello, Steve.

As far as what you did wrong, it was definitely that you opened the Preferences, switched on the checkbox for Launch in Background, and did not read the warning which appeared.

The warning explains that 99% of users who think that they want BookMacster to launch in background really want to just leave BookMacster quit instead.  BookMacster, Smarky and Synkmark sync browsers while they are quit.

Jerry Krinock
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Re: BookMacster won't open
Reply #2 - May 5th, 2015 at 12:28pm
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Thank You for the very detailed instructions, Jerry.  It of coursed worked!

Now to figure out what exactly I did wrong.

Thanks again!
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Jerry Krinock
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Re: BookMacster won't open
Reply #1 - May 3rd, 2015 at 1:46pm
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Hello, Steve.

Yes, it looks like maybe you don't want BookMacster launching in the background for your use case.  Click to read this here Help Book section: Running it in the background to learn what you did, how to see BookMacster again, and how to undo it.

If you did not switch on the menu extra, and don't remember the global keyboard shortcut that you set to show BookMacster's Floating Menu, you can remove the launch in background preference by doing this:

• Activate Finder.
• Click in the menu: Go > Utilities.  A window will open.
• Find and double-click to open the app named "Activity Monitor".  A window will open.
• Type BookMac into the search field.  A line for BookMacster will appear alone in the table.
• Select the line for BookMacster.
• On the left side of the toolbar is a button with an "X" icon.   Click that button.  A sheet will appear asking if you want to quit BookMacster.
• In the sheet, click the button: Quit.  The BookMacster line should disappear from the table.
• Back in that Finder window, double-click to open the app named "Terminal".  A window will open.
• Copy and paste the following "command" into the Terminal window:

   defaults delete com.sheepsystems.BookMacster launchInBackground

• Hit return.  There will be no indication.  That means: "It worked".
• Launch BookMacster.  Now it should launch into the foreground, like a normal app again.

Jerry Krinock
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BookMacster won't open
May 3rd, 2015 at 3:29am
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I apologize if this reported elsewhere in this forum.  If it is, I couldn't find it.

Anyway, I had just finished setting up several bookshelf files so I could easily bookmark to various pinboard accounts and then I clicked the option in the preferences to have BookMacster run in the background so I could add bookmarks on the fly to these various bookshelf files without having to open BookMacster.

But after quitting BookMacster, it won't open up at all.

I've restarted the computer and I've tried opening the bookshelf files directly. Nothing happens.

If I click on the BookMacster button in Chrome, that does bookmark the page, but I'm not sure into which file.  I suspect it is the file I had originally setup for syncing my browsers, but I'm not sure yet. I'm not getting the option of selecting which file like I did when BookMacster was open and running. 

Also, I don't see this BookMacster button in Safari or Firefox or any menu item for it either.  I know I ran the install them in Chrome and FireFox from BookMacster.  There was no option for Safari, so I don't expect to see it there anyway.

Hope I didn't screw things up in an way that is not recoverable.  I really thought I understood what I was doing because everything was working so well. Undecided

Thanks for your help in advance!
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