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Hot Topic (More than 5 Replies) bookmacster incorrectly identifying sync extension (Read 10958 times)
Jerry Krinock
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Re: bookmacster incorrectly identifying sync extension
Reply #13 - Apr 19th, 2021 at 6:46am
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techno_sam87 wrote on Apr 19th, 2021 at 6:37am:
not sure if this is related, but i was inspecting the app bundle with Apparency and while looking at chromessenger specifically, for it's version number it says "SORRY.BUG.IN.XCODE"

is that correct?
Yes, that is correct.  I got upset one day when I discovered that Apple's developer tool (Xcode) does not properly preprocess Info.plist files for command-line tools.  (Chromessenger is a command-line tool.)  So instead of the version number placeholder which Xcode would fail to replace with the actual version number, or writing a script to patch over Apple's failure, I put in that rude remark.  To my knowledge, the version number in the embedded Info.plist of a command line tool is only read manually, if one is interested, by tools such as `otool`, which is probably what is used by Apparency.  There is no matter with what it says or does not.

Jerry Krinock
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Re: bookmacster incorrectly identifying sync extension
Reply #12 - Apr 19th, 2021 at 6:37am
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not sure if this is related, but i was inspecting the app bundle with Apparency and while looking at chromessenger specifically, for it's version number it says "SORRY.BUG.IN.XCODE"

is that correct?
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Re: bookmacster incorrectly identifying sync extension
Reply #11 - Apr 17th, 2021 at 10:52pm
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just wanted to say i appreciate the amount of time you've spent helping me with this. sorry for the hassle, had no idea this would turn out to be such a doozy. i will report back when i get a sec to try bookmacster on a new admin account.

i believe im running the most recent version of opera as i have it set to autoupdate, and im running 10.15.7 on a mid2012 unibody macbook pro
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Jerry Krinock
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Re: bookmacster incorrectly identifying sync extension
Reply #10 - Apr 15th, 2021 at 5:57am
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Well, believe it or not I found and installed most of the extensions in your list.  After doing so, I relaunched Opera, watched in Activity Monitor and our Chromessenger process appeared as expected.  In other words, it still works for me.  Just for reference, I listed at the bottom of this message the extensions which I could not find.

It looks like I never asked what version of Opera and what version of macOS you are running.  Something recent, I hope?

While I think about this some more, consider doing this:

• Create a new macOS user account (main menu >  > System Preferences > Users and Groups)  While you are in there, see if your account is "Standard" or "Admin".  (Actually, "Admin" is standard.  Make your new account "Admin")
• Launch Opera and answer the several "new user" dialogs it presents.
• Create a bookmark in Opera.  Any bookmark.  Just to initialize the Bookmarks file.
• Launch BookMacster.
• Main Menu > Manage Browser Extensions.
• "Install" our BookMacster Sync extension into Opera.
• "Test" it.
• If test fails, look in Activity Monitor for Chromessenger when Opera launches.  (It takes a few seconds.)

* * *

List of your extensions which I could not find in either the Opera or Chrome web stores, so I did not install these:

Bypass Paywalls
Faster chrome
Google Unlocked
Image Search Options
uBlock Origin
Universal Bypass

The following extensions I found and installed under slightly different names.

Unseen for Facebook : found "Unseen for Facebook Messenger"
Wayback Machine : found "Wayback Machine website"
« Last Edit: Apr 18th, 2021 at 4:41am by Jerry Krinock »  

Jerry Krinock
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Re: bookmacster incorrectly identifying sync extension
Reply #9 - Apr 13th, 2021 at 7:05am
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here's a list of all my other extensions installed in Opera

Bitwarden - Free Password Manager

Black Menu for Google™

Bookmark Sidebar

Buster: Captcha Solver for Humans


Bypass Paywalls





Fakespot Fake Amazon Reviews and eBay Sellers



Fonts Ninja

Git Up

Google Translate

Google Unlocked

Image Search Options

Install Chrome Extensions

Just Read



NextPage - auto load next page


Privacy Pass

Recipe Filter

Reddit Enhancement Suite



uBlock Origin

Universal Bypass

Unseen for Facebook

Wayback Machine

YAAW for Chrome

i suppose its also worth mentioning that i have Adguard running as a menu bar app filtering all apps as well. i think adguard does some user agent spoofing, not sure if this would have any effect on things but figured i'd throw it out there
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Jerry Krinock
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Re: bookmacster incorrectly identifying sync extension
Reply #8 - Apr 9th, 2021 at 4:04pm
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I still don't have any good ideas on this.   Please send a list of other extensions you have installed in Opera.  Someone who wanted to save power might get the idea to shut down Native Messaging Hosts.

Jerry Krinock
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Jerry Krinock
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Re: bookmacster incorrectly identifying sync extension
Reply #7 - Apr 6th, 2021 at 7:55am
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Thank you for running the test, techno.  So the port is opened without error, but our native messaging tool Chromessenger is never launched and the port is then reportedly "disconnected".  Very strange.

I shall need some time to think about this.

Jerry Krinock
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Re: bookmacster incorrectly identifying sync extension
Reply #6 - Apr 6th, 2021 at 1:09am
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as predicted, launching opera and observing both activity monitor and console for processes with "chromess" yields no results. opera is not launching chromessenger when i launch it.

after chromessenger fails to launch, this is what opera's console looks like

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Jerry Krinock
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Re: bookmacster incorrectly identifying sync extension
Reply #5 - Apr 2nd, 2021 at 5:33am
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techno_sam87 wrote on Apr 1st, 2021 at 7:29pm:

sorry for the delayed response, not sure what happened but i just realized my last reply wasn't posted a couple days ago. here's what it said:

after uninstalling and reinstalling the browser extension, i can confirm that com.sheepsystems.chromemessenger.json is created in NativeMessagingHosts instantly upon pressing "install" in "manage browser extensions". unfortunately, immediately after installing the extension and returning to bookmacster, testing the installlation still returns a failure.

immediately returning to opera's console there were 2 errors:
-Unchecked runtime.lastError: Native host has exited.
-Error in event handler: Error: Attempting to use a disconnected port object at

underneath "SORRY-NULL-PROFILE" it says:
constructor: f Object()
hasOwnProperty: f hasOwnProperty()
isPrototype0f: f isPrototype0f()
propertyIsEnumerable: f propertyIsEnumerable()
toLocaleString: f toLocaleString()
toString: f toString()
valueOf: f value0f()
__defineGetter__: f __defineGetter__()
__defineSetter__: f __defineSetter__()
__lookupGetter__: f __lookupGetter__()
__lookupSetter__: f __lookupSetter__()
get __proto__: f __proto__()
set __proto__: f __proto__()

all lines have disclosure triangles that reveal a lot more info and more disclosure triangles
Sorry, I hope you did not copy and type all of that text because only the top part was interesting.

Specifically, Native host has exited is the problem.  I don't recall this ever being an issue.  Please do this:

• Quit Opera if it is running.
• Open an Activity Monitor window and filter for "Chromess".  Presumably there will be no such processes.
• Open a Console window.  If messages do not start streaming into the window, click the "Start Streaming" button in the middle of the window.  Enter "Chromess" into Console's filter field and hit return.  The messages should all disappear.
• Now launch Opera.

A Chromessenger process  should appear in Actvity Monitor, and several messages from Chromessenger should appear in Console.  If both of these occur, maybe the problem has fixed itself.

More likely, neither will appear.  In that case, look at our Developer Console in Opera again.  I've attached a screenshot of how it should look (in Dark Mode).  Tell me how yours is different.  Or email a screenshot to  (Sorry it's cumbersome to attach screenshots to this forum.)


Jerry Krinock
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Re: bookmacster incorrectly identifying sync extension
Reply #4 - Apr 1st, 2021 at 7:29pm
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sorry for the delayed response, not sure what happened but i just realized my last reply wasn't posted a couple days ago. here's what it said:

after uninstalling and reinstalling the browser extension, i can confirm that com.sheepsystems.chromemessenger.json is created in NativeMessagingHosts instantly upon pressing "install" in "manage browser extensions". unfortunately, immediately after installing the extension and returning to bookmacster, testing the installlation still returns a failure.

immediately returning to opera's console there were 2 errors:
-Unchecked runtime.lastError: Native host has exited.
-Error in event handler: Error: Attempting to use a disconnected port object at

underneath "SORRY-NULL-PROFILE" it says:
constructor: f Object()
hasOwnProperty: f hasOwnProperty()
isPrototype0f: f isPrototype0f()
propertyIsEnumerable: f propertyIsEnumerable()
toLocaleString: f toLocaleString()
toString: f toString()
valueOf: f value0f()
__defineGetter__: f __defineGetter__()
__defineSetter__: f __defineSetter__()
__lookupGetter__: f __lookupGetter__()
__lookupSetter__: f __lookupSetter__()
get __proto__: f __proto__()
set __proto__: f __proto__()

all lines have disclosure triangles that reveal a lot more info and more disclosure triangles
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Jerry Krinock
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Re: bookmacster incorrectly identifying sync extension
Reply #3 - Mar 30th, 2021 at 3:58pm
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Hello again, techno.  Thank you for the follow-up.  We are getting closer.

techno_sam87 wrote on Mar 30th, 2021 at 1:04am:
Bookmacster still returns that I have 1 firefox profile when I run "more tests"
Well, at least 1 is closer to the correct answer than 3.  Maybe we shall return to this ancillary issue later.

techno_sam87 wrote on Mar 30th, 2021 at 1:04am:
i thought it would be a good idea
Good idea, but as you found it won't work.  To function for a browser, Chromesssenger must be launched by the browser, which tells it the name of the port it should open.  That is why you are still getting this message:

techno_sam87 wrote on Mar 30th, 2021 at 1:04am:
Server port (com.sheepsystems.BookMacster.ExtoreOpera.Default.ToClient) not found"

So Chromessenger can run, but the browser is not launching it.

Let's look at your Native Messaging Hosts file.  Please look in this folder:

~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/NativeMessagingHosts

If that folder does not exist, that's a problem.  BookMacster should create that folder if it does not exist, when you click the Install button for Opera in BookMacster's Manage Browser Extensions window.  (Yes, it is weird that Opera requires a file which is in Google Chrome's Application Support library, but that's how the Opera developers wrote their app.  You need that folder path for Opera even if you do not have Chrome installed.)

In that folder should be a file named com.sheepsystems.chromessenger.json.  BookMacster should also write that file as part of the Opera extension installation.  Do you see that?

Also, please look again in Opera in the console log for BookMacster Sync, as you explained you did in your first message.  Are there any more messages after profileName: "SORRY-NULL-PROFILE".

Finally, although I think you've already tried this, uninstall and then reinstall our extension into Opera, but this time doing so while watching that NativeMessagingHosts folder.  Before doing so, delete that com.sheepsystems.chromessenger.json file if it is present.  It should reappear as soon as you click the Install button.  After you are done with all of the OK's in Opera, be sure to immediately return to BookMacster and click the Test button.  If the Test fails, look for messages in Opera in the console log for BookMacster Sync again.

Jerry Krinock
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Re: bookmacster incorrectly identifying sync extension
Reply #2 - Mar 30th, 2021 at 1:04am
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thanks so much for getting back to me. oddly, after deleting firefox's support folder from ~/Library/Application Support/Firefox (I had downloaded it previously) and all other remnants i could find via Find Any File, Bookmacster still returns that I have 1 firefox profile when I run "more tests"

anyways, I can confirm that I can manually launch Chromessenger. I launched the executable via terminal and confirmed it's running via activity monitor. i thought it would be a good idea to test syncing on bookmacster now that I had chromessenger actively running. I tried to import all and export all which still failed despite chromessenger running in the background. the info given is:

"Error: 145725

Our Opera extension did not respond

Suggestion tc Fix this Error:

Quit and relaunch Opera ((null))
Retry the Import or Export

If that does not fix it,

Click in the menu: BookMacster Manage Browser
Find the line for Opera ((null))
Use the buttons to Test, Uninstall and/or Install as required
to get a positive Test result.
Retry the Import or Export

Underlying Cause

Interapp messaging error : Server port
t) not found"

I checked both log folders in ~/ and / and didn't find any crash reports for chromessenger or "XXXXXXXXX".

is that helpful?
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Jerry Krinock
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Re: bookmacster incorrectly identifying sync extension
Reply #1 - Mar 29th, 2021 at 3:06am
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Hello, techno.

Thank you for running the tests and contacting us.

Regarding "0" Opera profiles, I get that too.  Although that is a bit confusing, it is correct in the sense that Opera does not support multiple profiles and does not consider the single data folder that it supports to be a profile.

Regarding those 3 Firefox profiles, maybe you did have Firefox installed at one time.  See if you have a directory ~/Application Support/Firefox.  If you delete that folder (which you should, to save disk space, if you are sure you'd never want to use Firefox with your old Firefox data), then the number of Firefox profiles reported by "More Tests…" should be 0.

Regarding what you see in the logs of background.html in Opera, yes that SORRY-NULL-EXTORE should be ExtoreOpera and SORRY-NULL-PROFILE should be Default (although Opera does not have profiles, we need one for our data structure, so we fake this Default).  Syncing will not work until this is fixed.  It is however,  another symptom of the problem which is…

That Chromessenger is not running after you launch Opera with one of our extenions installed.  Yes, this is the issue.

Tell me if you can launch Chromessenger manually.  To do that,

• Activate Finder.
• Click in the menu: Go > Utilities.  A window will open.
• In that window, find and double-click to launch Activity Monitor.  It will open a window.
• In the filter filed in the upper right corner of the window, enter "Chromess".  The list should empty since you have no Chromessengers running.
• In that Finder window, also launch and open a window in the Terminal application.
• Copy and paste this command into the Terminal window.
    ~/Library/Application\ Support/BookMacster/Chromessenger
• Hit return.  A Chromessenger process should appear in Activity Monitor.  Does it?

Also see if you have any crash reports for Chromessenger.  To do that,

• Activate Finder.
• Click in the menu: Go > Go to folder….  A sheet with a small text field will appear.
• Copy and paste the following "path" into the text field


• Click button "Go".  A Finder window will open.
• Click in the menu: View > As list.
• Each item in the list is the name of a file which contains a particular crash report.  Each name begins with the name of the process that did something bad, followed by the date and time in the format _YYYY-MM-DD-HHmmss.  There be crash reports (.crash) spin reports (non-responsive applications, .spin), and/or other reports (.diag, .panic).
• Select any files whose name contains "XXXXXXXXX".
• Email any such files (or some representative files if there are too many) to and we shall have a look.

Jerry Krinock
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bookmacster incorrectly identifying sync extension
Mar 28th, 2021 at 8:33pm
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I recently had to start my bookmacster collection over from scratch, and i've been having some issues getting syncing to work on a system where it previously worked flawlessly.

i couldn't find anything in the forum for this issue: I use opera and i can't get the sync extension to return a positive test from the manage sync extensions window. oddly, though, when i click on "more tests" and start the test, bookmacster returns that i have 0 opera profiles and that i have 1 firefox profile and that it is my default profile. i don't have firefox installed on my computer, and in my collection file in settings>clients i only have set up syncing between opera and safari. i'm at a loss as to what to do, i've gone through all the support for extensions available on the site.

more info: when i go into opera's extensions manager, turn on developer mode and bring up the dev tools via inspect views>background.html, in the console after "waiting for native messages with info" it says:
extensionName: "BookMacster Sync"
extensionVersion: "44"

similarly, when i call "ps -alxww | grep Chromess | grep -v grep" in terminal, it doesn't return any info about chromessenger running, indicating that it isn't running.

can you help me?
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