Q. Bookdog's Verify just found 462 Broken Bookmarks. I looked at the first 10, deleted them, but this is going to take a long time and I don't want to consider each one. How can I just delete all of them? Answer. After verifying,
1. Click menu Find > Find or type ⌘F.
2. Check the relevant browser/document icon at the top.
3. Click the "More" button.
4. Select "Verify Code" from the search parameter popup.
5. Select the operator "=", ">" or "<" and a desired number.
6. Experiment with the operators and numbers to learn what you've got.
7. After you've got a list of bookmarks you want to delete,
8. Click in the list, ⌘A to Select All.
9. Right-click or ctrl-click to bring up the contextual menu
10. Click Delete.