Finding and Deleting Duplicates


It is important to understand that our bookmarks management apps can’t work on the bookmarks in Safari, Firefox or Chrome directly.  Smarky, Synkmark, Markster and BookMacster can only work on their own Content.  Therefore, if you want to eliminate duplicates from a web browser, we must

Import the bookmarks from the web browser into Smarky, Synkmark, Markster or BookMacster.
• If desired, review and configure an important rule which defines what is considered to be a duplicate.
• If desired, mark special bookmarks as Duplicate Allowed.
Find the duplicates.
• Delete the duplicates, either
individually, or en masse.
• Review your de-duplicated Content.
Export the bookmarks back out to the web browser.

Automatic Detection of Duplicates (BookMacster only)

Because one person’s duplicate may be another person’s favorite bookmark, manually deduplicating, as described above, is recommended.

If you have BookMacster, however, and are using Agents to sync or sort bookmarks, you can set it to check for duplicates whenever bookmarks are changed, as part of each syncing job.  The same rule defining what is considered to be a duplicate, and any Duplicate Allowed attributes you have set on special bookmarks are respected.

To configure automatic duplicate detection,

• Configure Agents to sync some web browser(s).
• In the Clients > Agents tab of your document, click the Advanced subtab.


• In the Commands table, you should see three commands.  Hit the square “+” button, to create a new command.
• Change the new command to Find Duplicates.
• Drag it above Save Document, so that it is command number 3.


• As always, after you have configured syncing, quit BookMacster.  BookMacster Agents work most quietly and efficiently when BookMacster is not running.