Our Privacy Policy


This document states publicly the privacy policies adhered to by Sheep Systems.  It was first written on 2008 Sep 12.  There have been no revisions.




When Sheep Systems grants a license for one of its products, it retains the following information in its secure database.  Note that we do not keep any customer's credit card information.  Because we contract with payment processors such as Paypal to process our payments, we do not even have access to credit card information.  The idea is: If we don't even have it, no one can steal it.

License Number, a serial number (not same as License Key)
Date and time license was granted

First name of Purchaser

Last Name of Purchaser

Country of Purchaser

Email Address of Purchaser

State/Region of Purchaser

Name of Product licensed (Bookdog, etc.)

Licensee Name

License Key

Whether or not purchaser wishes to be contacted

Payment Status (Completed, Pending, Refunded, etc.)

Payment Channel (Paypal, Google, cash, check, etc.)

Number of Computers licensed (usually 2)

Gross Payment

Net Payment (what we got, not including Paypal or Google fee)

Sales Tax or VAT payment

Country for whom Sales Tax or VAT was collected

State/Region for whom Sales Tax or VAT was collected

Language in which application was running (English, etc.)

If license is a renewal, the associated old License Number

If license is a duplicate, the License Number of its twin

Transaction ID provided by Paypal or Google Checkout

Remarks, if record had to be entered or edited manually

This information is used for our accounting, business analysis, to identify customers requesting support or License Keys and, very rarely, to send email announcements to users that have allowed this.


Although we do not store the following additional information pertaining to each sale, we may have access to it via our merchant account with paymen processors such as Paypal.

Purchaser Street Address

Purchaser Telephone Number

This information might someday be used if, for example, a user requested a telephone call but I lost the phone number.

Note that we never see, and do not have access to, credit card or bank account numbers.


We keep archives of email correspondence with users.  This information is used to support users and determine what areas of our products need improvement.


Occasionally we may request that users who have an issue with a product send us data containing their bookmarks, application preferences, crash logs, system configuration, and filtered system logs.  (Our Trouble Zipper tools filter system logs to send only messages generated by one of our applications.)  We retain this information until the issue is resolved or until the user directs us to destroy it.  


All information discussed in this policy, in our posession, is kept only in several password-protected computers and hard drives on our site, and at our web host.  It is not ever taken outdoors on laptop computers.  It has not and will not ever be shared with a third party.

Our Privacy Performance Record

Ever since we began to keep information during April 2005, until the present date of August 2008, we have never let any user's information get out of our control, and no user has ever complained about our treatment of information they have provided to us.

Sending Some but not All of your Bookmarks

If you are considering sending us your bookmarks to help troubleshoot a problem, it is probably the file structure or often some of the bookmarks that are causing the trouble.  Therefore, if there are some bookmarks which you rather not send us, we encourage you to delete those bookmarks and re-save the pruned bookmarks to another file, then send us the pruned file.  It is likely that we'll still get the information we'll need.