We’ve had reports of a bug, maybe in macOS, which can prevent .bmco Collection documents from opening, usually after updating the application to a new version. In our case, the small window with a progress bar indicating Processing…, which usually shows only momentarily, will stay on the screen for some tens of seconds (or forever if you have version 2.9.1 or earlier of our app). In either case, the .bmco Collection document window will never open. In some cases, in BookMacster, even if you create a new Collection (menu File > New Collection), close it, and then attempt to reopen it, reopening will fail in this same way.
Most users who have reported this issue have fixed this by doing one or more of the following. If you have success, or not, with Fix #1, Fix #2, or Fix #3 below, we’d appreciate you letting us know. You can use the form at the right.
Fix #1. Reset App’s Caches
Most users with this issue have reported success with this Fix #1 alone.
• Quit or, if necessary, force quit the app which is Processing.
• Run Finder.
• Click in the menu: Go > Go to folder…. A sheet with a small text field will appear.
• Copy and paste the following path into the small text field:
• Click button Go. A window will open.
• In that Finder window, find and trash any folder with one of these names…
• Relaunch the app that was having trouble and see if the problem is solved.
If Fix #1 does not fix it, try Fix #2 or Fix #3, whichever is more convenient for you.
Fix #2. Rebuild Launch Services Database
This fix is generally regarded as safe, but can slow your computer for an hour or so, and may require a restart.
• Quit or, if necessary, force quit the app which is Processing.
• Run Finder.
• Click in the menu: Go > Utilities. A window will open.
• In the Utilities window, find and open Terminal (Terminal.app). A window will open.
• Copy and paste the following command into the Terminal window:
/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user -f
Then, hit return. Leave the window open until Terminal prints another prompt, which may take several minutes. After that, for the next hour or so, you may find that your computer is slow to respond to commands, and its fans running fast. If you look in Activity Monitor, you may find a process named lsd (launch services daemon) using alot of CPU resources. You may also probably see that some of your apps appear as generic A icons. If the performance degradation is too annoying, restart your computer. It should be good after a restart.
(It seems like there should be a way to reset only the entry for our apps in the Launch Services database, but we’ve not figured that out.)
Fix #3. OnyX
• Download and install OnyX for your particular macOS version
• Run OnyX.
• Select the Maintenance tab
• Switch on some of the checkboxes and then click the Run Tasks button.
We are not sure which to recommend. Probably Cleaning > Applications is equivalent to Fix #1 above, and Rebuilding > Launch Services is equivalent to Fix #2 above (and will have the same side effects of temporary slowness and icon loss).
If you have success with OnyX, please tell us which checkbox(es) you had switched on.