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Very Hot Topic (More than 15 Replies) Tag question (Read 24657 times)
Jerry Krinock
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Re: Tag question
Reply #18 - Jan 3rd, 2010 at 3:50am
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Conejo, you were not being dense, you were being a very good beta tester.  Non-obvious features are bugs.  Searching for tags and tag completion are now in the bug database.

Thanks for the great feedback!

Jerry Krinock
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Re: Tag question
Reply #17 - Jan 3rd, 2010 at 3:39am
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Jerry, ok, now i see.  that's me being dense.

but for me it was a bit less than obvious.  it's not intuitively obvious to me that the x/any/all selection applies to the tag cloud selection, so when I selected one of the tags in the tag cloud I got nothing returned, which led me to then use the search field. I’m not sure if anyone else has/had trouble making that connection or if it’s just me. If just me, then that is that. If others, too, then perhaps it would be helpful to find some way to visually tie them together. They look like totally separate pieces of functionality to me.

Then yes, I think it would be helpful to allow direct searching for tags in that field. With just a few, no problem clicking on them. If a bunch, might be easier to just type the first few letters and be done with it. But I can well make do with what is there.

Thanks again for your help and sorry for the confusion on my part.
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Jerry Krinock
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Re: Tag question
Reply #16 - Jan 2nd, 2010 at 9:03pm
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conejo23 wrote on Jan 2nd, 2010 at 4:36pm:
2. Searching for tags is doing funky things. I created several tags. When I go to the search field and type the name of one of the tags, the bookmark I gave that tag to is not returned. If I slowly type the tag in the search field one letter at a time, as I start typing that bookmark is displayed, then when I get close to the end of typing the tag, it disappears from view.

I’ve got another tag where when I type it slowly, the URL is not returned at all.

In another, when I type the tag I get the bookmarks I tagged with it, but I also get another URL that is not so tagged and I don’t know why that URL is being returned in the search, I can’t see that character string in the title.
The search field on the right side of the Content tab only searches by name and URL.  (That's why, when you delete all text from it, it fills in the placeholder "name, URL".)  So, if that is the search field you're using, that would explain these inexplicable results.

conejo23 wrote on Jan 2nd, 2010 at 4:36pm:
3. I’m not seeing any way to search exclusively by tags. The search field seems to be including tags along with other data that I'm not sure what is being specified. Would like to see a way to search on everything, or just on tags.
Do you see the Tag Cloud at the top of the Content tab?  If not, pull down the dimple.  Your tags are all in alphanumeric order.  Select one or more, then set the Filter below the Tag Cloud to "Any" or "All" as you want.  Now, only bookmarks which meet your tag criteria will appear in the content.

Here are some screenshots and more explanation:

For a finer-grained search, you can use the Find report:

Here's a ridiculous example:

That will find any bookmark containing "Appl", "iPhone" or "Mac" in its tags (for example a bookmark with a tag "Macintosh" would qualify), that was added since Sept 2, was visited less than 5 times, and is not on the site.

conejo23 wrote on Jan 2nd, 2010 at 4:36pm:
And happy new year!
Oh, it will be very happy when this beta test is over.  Thanks!

Maybe some of this stuff should be made more obvious?  Or did I miss the question?  If so, give me an example of a specific tag search that failed.

I know we should add more menu options to the magnifying glass in the search field, so you could search for other things besides name *and* URL.

Jerry Krinock
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Re: Tag question
Reply #15 - Jan 2nd, 2010 at 4:36pm
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Jerry, just got around to testing and here’s what I'm seeing:

1. Tags are now retained after saving, exiting and reopening. Cool!

2. Searching for tags is doing funky things. I created several tags. When I go to the search field and type the name of one of the tags, the bookmark I gave that tag to is not returned. If I slowly type the tag in the search field one letter at a time, as I start typing that bookmark is displayed, then when I get close to the end of typing the tag, it disappears from view.

I’ve got another tag where when I type it slowly, the URL is not returned at all.

In another, when I type the tag I get the bookmarks I tagged with it, but I also get another URL that is not so tagged and I don’t know why that URL is being returned in the search, I can’t see that character string in the title.

3. I’m not seeing any way to search exclusively by tags. The search field seems to be including tags along with other data that I'm not sure what is being specified. Would like to see a way to search on everything, or just on tags.

But the bigger concern here is #2, searching on tags does not appear to be fully functional. Let me know if you’d like more data on this.

And happy new year!
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Re: Tag question
Reply #14 - Dec 28th, 2009 at 11:51am
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thank you, sir. Just updated, will test shortly and report back anything interesting.
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Jerry Krinock
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Re: Tag question
Reply #13 - Dec 27th, 2009 at 2:07pm
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conejo23 wrote on Dec 27th, 2009 at 2:02pm:
when do you expect to have this revised functionality in place?
Oh, it's already done.  We just need to test it and also I want to slip in a few other little changes we've been working on.  It should be out before the sun sets on California today.

Jerry Krinock
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Re: Tag question
Reply #12 - Dec 27th, 2009 at 2:02pm
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Jerry, my pleasure, sir. Always great to use an app with a developer behind it like you.

Question: when do you expect to have this revised functionality in place? just want to know when to get back in and test this stuff. Let me know and I'll be happy to report back, as well. I used to do software design and test in a previous life, always happy to help.
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Jerry Krinock
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Re: Tag question
Reply #11 - Dec 27th, 2009 at 4:41am
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conejo23 wrote on Dec 27th, 2009 at 3:08am:
but just so I'm clear
We want to be clear here  Smiley

conejo23 wrote on Dec 27th, 2009 at 3:08am:
when you get this functionality in place, I'll be able to import my bookmarks from OW, assign tags to them in BM, save and re-export out, quit BM and when I come back, the tag state will be the same as when I left it.  Do I have that right?
Yes.  Just like you'd expect with any document in any app.

conejo23 wrote on Dec 27th, 2009 at 3:08am:
To me, then, the main value in tags will be tagging things that are related that don’t really belong in the same hard folder so that when I'm looking for something relatively obtuse, I can find it. Will also allow me to see a grouping of similar themed sites.
Yes, and in the Bookmarkshelf you can see all of your tags in the upper pane of the Content tab (the "Tag Cloud").  You can then select one or more of them, and use the filter switch below it ("X/Any/All") to show only bookmarks that have the selected tag(s).

conejo23 wrote on Dec 27th, 2009 at 3:08am:
Thanks for your help.

Jerry Krinock
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Re: Tag question
Reply #10 - Dec 27th, 2009 at 3:08am
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Jerry, I was thinking the same thing re OW keywords. You guess is the same as mine, “we might need it later”. I don’t even see how you can search for them within OW.

And sorry if I'm being dense, but just so I'm clear, when you get this functionality in place, I'll be able to import my bookmarks from OW, assign tags to them in BM, save and re-export out, quit BM and when I come back, the tag state will be the same as when I left it.

Do I have that right?

To me, then, the main value in tags will be tagging things that are related that don’t really belong in the same hard folder so that when I'm looking for something relatively obtuse, I can find it. Will also allow me to see a grouping of similar themed sites.

Thanks for your help.
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Jerry Krinock
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Re: Tag question - What good are Keywords in OmniWeb?
Reply #9 - Dec 27th, 2009 at 2:06am
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I just looked at the "Keyword" attribute in OmniWeb again, and I can't for the life of me figure out any practical use of this attribute, other than importing into BookMacster and exporting as a Shortcut in Opera.  I searched OmniWeb Help for "Keyword" and got 0 results.  Also, I note that even the little search field near the bottom of OmniWeb's Bookmarks Page does not search on Keyword.  It's like an input with no output.

Seems like maybe it's a feature they threw in for future development but then never developed.  Does anyone have a usage case for the Keyword in OmniWeb?

Jerry Krinock
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Jerry Krinock
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Re: Tag question
Reply #8 - Dec 27th, 2009 at 1:55am
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conejo23 wrote on Dec 27th, 2009 at 1:27am:
tags that are created within your app will persist unless overwritten by tags from the browser bookmarks, is that correct?
No, on the contrary, if you delete tags in a tag-supporting app like Firefox and then re-import from Firefox, the tags you deleted in Firefox will not be deleted in the Bookmarkshelf.  The only way to get rid of just a tag would be to delete in the Bookmarkshelf and then Export.  Now, if you want to "re-master" by importing from Firefox, you can use the Clean Slate option.  This will clean bookmarks as well as tags out of BookMacster and make it look like Firefox.  I hope this is the workaround by which the 20%, 1%, or whatever will "learn to like it".

conejo23 wrote on Dec 27th, 2009 at 1:27am:
so in the case we have, with OmniWeb i obviously can't manage tags there (though it does let me specify keywords)
Keywords in OmniWeb map to Shortcuts in BookMacster, not tags.   The important difference, and the reason why we mapped it this way, is because you can only have one Keyword/Shortcut per bookmark.  Therefore, they are not tags which, by definition, allow a plurality.  So, the answer is that you can't manage tags in OmniWeb in any case, because OmniWeb doesn't support anything that looks like tags.

conejo23 wrote on Dec 27th, 2009 at 1:27am:
but i could add and retain them in Bookmacster?
Yes, and delete them.

And thanks for the feedback – we're thinking this through now!

Jerry Krinock
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Re: Tag question
Reply #7 - Dec 27th, 2009 at 1:27am
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Jerry, thanks for the reply.  re the forum notification issue, understood.

re the tag issue, if i'm reading you correctly, then tags that are created within your app will persist unless overwritten by tags from the browser bookmarks, is that correct?

so in the case we have, with OmniWeb i obviously can't manage tags there (though it does let me specify keywords), but i could add and retain them in Bookmacster?
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Jerry Krinock
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Re: Tag question – "Merge Tags" switch to be removed
Reply #6 - Dec 27th, 2009 at 1:04am
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conejo23 wrote on Dec 26th, 2009 at 4:42pm:
I look forward to hearing back from you on the bug. I had the same behavior, there for a moment, then gone.

Good – we're seeing the same thing.  The problem is the "Merge Tags" checkbox.  By default it is off, which means that tags in the Bookmarkshelf which are not also on a matching Client bookmark are deleted, as you are seeing.  But – duh – if the Client (OmniWeb) does not support tags, then – duh – all tags are deleted.  Further compounding the problem is that the checkbox is disabled if the Client does not support tags because, well, you shouldn't need to consider things that don't exist.

After considering the various solutions to this paradox, I believe this is a case where we want to apply the "Steve Jobs Rule" – if more than 80% of the users want vanilla and 20% want chocolate, set it to vanilla and the other 20% will learn to like it.  In this case, I believe we're probably looking at 99% and 1%.  Here is the new behavior:

## Behavior of Tags during Import and Export

During an Import, when a bookmark existing in the Bookmarkshelf is matched and merged with one from a Client, any new tags on the bookmark in the Client are added to the bookmark in the Bookmarkshelf.

During an Export, when a bookmark existing in the Client is matched and merged with one from the Bookmarkshelf, the tags on the bookmark in the Client are completely replaced by the tags on the bookmark in the Bookmarkshelf.  Any tags on the Client bookmark not on the Bookmarkshelf bookmark are deleted.

As to the latter (export) behavior, that's the way it's been since the first beta version, and no one has complained.  We'll leave the attribute in the data model just in case this turns out to be a bad decision, but unless someone replies real soon and presents a valid objection to the above, the "Merge Tags" checkbox is going to be gone and the above text will go into the Help Book.

conejo23 wrote on Dec 26th, 2009 at 4:42pm:
also, FYI, I have the box checked to notify me of replies to this topic but I didn’t get any email notifications, I just came back and hit refresh. Had the same issue on a prior thread.
Yes, I know, but it works fine for me.  It's on the to-do list, but pretty far down.  If it is a bug, I'm hoping that the YaBB folks already know it and have it fixed for YaBB version 3.  Cheesy

Jerry Krinock
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Re: Tag question
Reply #5 - Dec 26th, 2009 at 4:42pm
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Thanks Jerry. The ‘menulet’ feature would be great.

In the meantime, I look forward to hearing back from you on the bug. I had the same behavior, there for a moment, then gone.

also, FYI, I have the box checked to notify me of replies to this topic but I didn’t get any email notifications, I just came back and hit refresh. Had the same issue on a prior thread.
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Jerry Krinock
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Re: Tag question
Reply #4 - Dec 26th, 2009 at 4:31pm
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It's wiping out the tags when re-importing from OmniWeb.  That's why I see them for a second.  Don't save the Bookmarkshelf in that condition or you will lose your tags.  Wiping out the tags is a bug.  I'll get back to you later today with a fix.  Meanwhile, if you hold down the 'option' key while opening the document, this will override Mirror-Open from OmniWeb and the tags will not be wiped out.  But, for now, they will also be wiped out if you import from OmniWeb.

Thanks for the report.

Jerry Krinock
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