sporkman wrote on Nov 4
th, 2019 at 6:54pm:
Anyhow, a few weeks ago I did this whole "start over" process.
Here's what happened:
- I saved an html version of my bookmarks from both Chrome and Brave (Brave had imported from Chrome on install) so that I'd have a backup should things go wrong.
- I followed the "Reset and start over" prompts
- I was presented with a window that appeared to have all my bookmarks
- Went into Safari and nuked all bookmarks, verified this propagated to my laptop and phone via icloud
- Started sync
- Closed Synkmark window
- Checked Safari, had a very limited list of bookmarks that seemed entirely random, same on laptop.
When you "Started sync", it should have prompted you to Export, which would have puahed all of the bookmarks from Synkmark into the empty Safari. But two steps later, you saw the bookmarks in Safari were "very limited" and "random". This leads me to suspect that maybe your
iCloud bookmarks need to be rebuilt. You almost did that, though, because "nuking" all bookmarks in Safari is the central step in the rebuild procedure. You did not say, however, that you waited at least 20 minutes to ensure that iCloud did not resurrect any of the nuked bookmarks.
sporkman wrote on Nov 4
th, 2019 at 6:54pm:
At that point, abandoned things again because who has time for that nonsense?

Last night was in Safari and was wanting to add a bookmark, remembered that it was a mess. Opened Synkmark, got a window telling me it was "waiting" on something. Let it sit overnight.
Saw Synkmark bouncing in the Dock this morning. Same thing with the "waiting" window.
Followed these instructions:
http://www.sheepsystems.com/files/support_articles/bkmx/processing-forever.html That fix is only for when you saw a little windnow that indicates
Processing…. If you are indeed seeing
Waiting…, it is a different issue. Also, we have had no reports of getting stuck on
Processing… now since December 2018.
sporkman wrote on Nov 4
th, 2019 at 6:54pm:
#2 let the app launch. No bookmarks.
In poking through ~/Library/Application Support/ I see a bunch of .sql, .sql-shm, and .sql-wal files.
Yes, this does indicate something is wrong. If indeed you just started over, there should be at most 12 .sql, .sql-shm and .sql-wal files. You have around 50, indicating that five or so new Synkmark documents have been created since you started over. There should be only one. Something is not working.
sporkman wrote on Nov 4
th, 2019 at 6:54pm:
#2How can I really and truly start over as if this is a new install? Nuke that whole directory, what else?
I think that
Reset and Start Over… does nuke that whole directory, or at least empties it out. You can't really see that because it immediately starts repopulating it with new files. I think it probably did clean it as expected, because, as you noted in your later
edit, all file modification dates are after your
Reset and Start Over… time. In addition to cleaning out this directory,
Reset and Start Over… also resets most Preferences, but those are usually not a cause of trouble.
I think you should
Reset and Start Over… again, with some extra insurance steps…. If anything does not work or indicates an error, stop the procedure and tell me.
- Ensure that you have a recent version of Synkmark, 2.9.15 or later.
- Reset and Start Over…, indicating Safari and Brave.
- Click in the menu: File > Save.
- Verify that the window's title is Synkmark.bmco, indicating that this file has been saved to disk OK.
- Assuming that this window imported and now contains the garbage currently in Safari, click in the menu: Bookmarks > Delete all content.
- Click in the menu: File > Import only > Choose file (Advanced), .html.
- Click in the menu: File > Save. Verify that nothing bad is indicated.
- Reorganize bookmarks as desired.
- Click in the menu: File > Save.
- Nuke all bookmarks in Safari.
- Wait 20 minutes and verify that no bookmarks reappear in Safari in any device.
- Verify that Synkmark has Full Disk Access.[/i]
- Click in the menu: File > Export to all.
- Immediately, verify that Safari has the bookmarks from Synkmark.
- Wait 20 minutes.
- Again, verify that Safari has the bookmarks from Synkmark – that iCloud has not changed anything.
- In Synkmark, switch on Syncing and, when prompted, Export again.
- Immediately, verify that Safari has the bookmarks from Synkmark.
- Quit Synkmark.
sporkman wrote on Nov 4
th, 2019 at 6:54pm:
Also, I really, really wish that there was some kind of menubar item to indicate the status of syncing...
It's on our list of things to do. I hope to get to it soon.