groot wrote on Sep 19
th, 2022 at 11:09pm:
I admit that I consulted the help but it is clearer for me because I didn't understand everything (my English level is not excellent ^^).
Your English looks good on the screen, but probably like my Spanish – much easier to do output than input.
groot wrote on Sep 19
th, 2022 at 11:09pm:
Nevertheless, if I understand correctly, for alternative 1, if I make changes on Brave on computer 2, I have to wait to reconnect on computer 1 so that the changes are transmitted to Safari, then synchronized with iCloud to update Safari on iPhone and on Computer 2, right?
groot wrote on Sep 19
th, 2022 at 11:09pm:
Let's say computer 2 is my work computer, so that means I have to use computer 1 (my personal mac) after work for all bookmarks to update to Safari. Is that right?
groot wrote on Sep 19
th, 2022 at 11:09pm:
My personal computer (computer1) is always on standby (cover closed). Is there a solution to make it run the sync by itself during the day, even if it is closed? Or any solution to have more frequent updates on Computer 2?
BookMacster's syncing will work whenever the Mac is
not sleeping. Although Apple has been liberalizing the definition of
sleep in recent macOS versions, I don't think
sleep yet allows something like BookMacster's
BkmxAgent (which does the syncing for us), and also it would need Brave, to work during sleep. Safari's iCloud syncing may or may not work when the computer is sleeping; I don't know. But Safari's iCloud syncing is handled by a background process, so it will occur even if Safari is not running. The last time I looked t Brave, I did not see any background process. So Brave Sync only works when Brave is running. There are a half dozen or so Mac apps which supposedly prevent a Mac from sleeping. I've never used any of them, so I cannot offer any testimony. Here is the
page for one of them on MacUpdate, and on the right side of the page is a list of
similar apps.
Your original system might work as a modified Alternative #1 if only one BookMacster was active at a time, and if you allowed BookMacster and the browsers to run on Computer 1 and Computer 2 for a few minutes after making the last bookmark change. In other words, since you can choose either Mac to be your "Bridge Mac", you could maybe have your work computer be the Bridge Mac while you are at work, put that one to sleep and then go home and your home computer becomes the Bridge Mac while you are at home. I don't know, though. Macs tend to wake up on their own at times (for example, there is, I think a
Wake for network access checkbox in System Preferences (Settings in Ventura), so such an arrangement would be somewhat fragile at best. Switching off internet access might be a good brute force solution to that

Then there is also the issue of how items' unique identifiers, which iCloud, Brave Sync and BookMacster use to identify items, would circulate through the system. I would need more time to think about it and test, which I don't have at the moment.
So you see it gets really complicated, which is why I like to recommend
just put BookMacster or Synkmark on one Mac only. It will work, and you don't need to be an systems engineer to try and deduce all of the bad things that might happen.