Hello, noa.
Thank you for contacting us. It does not "just work" because each browser has at least several different parameters which are unique to it.
Nonetheless, version 2.10 of our apps support
Microsoft Edge. If you have an earlier version of one of our apps, launch the app and click in the application menu:
Check for Update.
We have not put our extensions into the Microsoft store because Edge graciously allows installing extensions from the Chrome Web Store, the process is quite seamless, and it gives us one less chore to maintain

To install one of our extensions into Edge, launch BookMacster or Synkmark version 2.10 or later, click in the application menu
Manage Browser Extensions…, then the desired
Install button for Edge. Once you are in Edge, OK installing extensions from the Chrome Web Store when prompted. As always, be sure to return to our app and
Test if you have installed the
BookMacster Sync extension. The
Test is necesary to properly initialize it.