Hello, Matt.
• Make our app the active app on your Mac.
• Click in the main menu under the app's name: Logs….
• In the window that opens, click the
Errors tab.
• Skim through the recent errors in the popup menu. The short description in the top pane generally, I think, indicates if the error caused
Syncing to be
By default, errors which stop syncing should post a "sticky" note in the macOS Notification Center. But it depends on how you responded to the first one. That's too long to discuss here. Notification Center, oh, Notification Center
Anyhow, any interesting errors in there? If so, and you think we should take a look, run Trouble Zipper as explained below.
Also, you might want to try watching the running of our agent process, BkmxAgent…
• Activate Finder.
• Click in the menu: Go > Utilities.
• Launch the application named "Activity Monitor". A window will open.
• In the top right corner of the window is a text fieod for filtering results. Type "BkmxA" into that field. The list showld collapse to show only any "BkmxAgent" processes that are running.
If syncing is Ready or Running (the latter is when our app is quit), there should be one (and only one) BkmxAgent process indicated in Activity Monitor. Otherwise, no BkmxAgent. Switch Syncing back and forth between Ready and Paused a few times. Does that work?
Move the Activity Monitor window to the bottom of the screen where you can keep an eye on it. The only time BkmxAgent should disappear is if you launch our app and Pause or switch off Syncing. Is it disappearing (indicating no syncing) at other times?
* * *
To send us your data with Trouble Zipper,
• Run BookMacster/Synkmark
• Click in the menu: Help ▸ Trouble Zipper
• For Question X (Extra Extension Tests), answer "No"
• For Question B (Bookmarks and Documents), answer "Don't Include Bookmarks and Documents"
• In the "Please explain..." section, tell us the time of any recent events when syncing stopped.
• Send me the resulting .zip via MailDrop, Dropbox or whatever, as instructed.