Smarky, Synkmark, Markster, BookMacster

The icons in the left indicate which apps each article applies to.  Click on the title of the article you are interested in.

Alpha or Beta version of one of our apps
App Download and Install (with video)
App is somewhere but not in /Applications
App shows No Menu, No Windows
App Translocation issue (Error 298460)
App won't launch because it is Damaged or Incomplete
Bookmarks: Restoring those of Yesterday (with video)
Browser Sync Extension fails its Test
Chrome: Keep only Chrome sorted (with video)
Copying and moving Bookmarks and Folders (with video)
Creating Folders from Delicious, Diigo, Google Bookmarks, or Pinboard (with video)
Expanding and Collapsing Folders (with video)
Firefox "Developer Edition"
Firefox Tags after BookMacster/Synkmark 2.9.3
iCloud: Rebuilding Safari/iCloud Bookmarks
iOS, iPhone, iPad app?
Importing an XBEL file (with video)
macOS 10.13 and Earlier
Master OFF (the Panic button)
"Migrations", Simple, One-Time, as Bookdog did
Parallels, Conflict with
“Processing…” forever – Window Won’t Open
Safari: Favorites in your Menu?
Syncing: Is Google syncing your Chrome bookmarks?
Syncing: Is iCloud syncing your Safari bookmarks?
Syncing: Is Mozilla syncing your Firefox bookmarks?
Verify Bookmarks: Finishing it up (with video)
Xmarks Graduates' FAQ